To make whole home network use OpenDNS I need to change only 3 files on my OpenWRT router.
First step – resolv.conf
Create /etc/resolv.conf.opendns with OpenDNS servers addresses, eg:
Make sure /etc/resolv.conf defines as a name server.
Second step – dnsmasq
In /etc/config/dhcp set resolvfile variable:
Restart dnsmasq with:
# /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
Third step – /etc/hotplug.d/iface
This step is only needed if you have a dynamic IP address and you want to use advanced OpenDNS features (like content filters or statistics).
Create file /etc/hotplug.d/iface/40-opendns with command similar to this:
case "${ACTION:-ifup}" in
logger -t opendns `curl -k -u username:password`
Note that you need curl built with (libopen)ssl.
Test hotplug script with:
# ifdown wan # ifup wan
Then check log with:
# logread | tail
If script work you will see a message like:
Jan 4 01:13:27 hurricane user.notice opendns: good
Finally go to OpenDNS. If everything is fine you should find green “You’re using OpenDNS!” in the right corner. In “Dashboard > Networks” you should find entry for NetworkName with your current IP and message “(your current IP)”.