Installing, configuring and using Debian GNU/Linux on Acer Aspire 5102 WLMi notebook.
Apache suEXEC support for PHP scripts without FastCGI
suEXEC feature provides Apache users the ability to run CGI programs under user IDs different from the web server user ID. Normally, when a CGI program executes, it runs as the same user who is running the web server. In most configurations PHP scripts are handled by mod_php and cannot suEXEC. After switching to php-cgi we are able to use suEXEC.
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PixelView PlayTV Pro PV-BT878P+9X
Using “Designed for …” hardware with Linux was always a pain. Vendor support suggests to “use software from CD”, and check if card is properly installed “by clicking on My Computer, and then …”. And then I explained that I’m running Linux. I was told that Linux is not supported and card is not prepared to work with it.
I have tested some bttv “card=” parameter options and I realized that none of them works properly. With most of them I was unable to tune to any TV station, with other there was no sound and radio does not work with any of them.
GeoURL plugin for DokuWiki
GeoURL is a location-to-URL reverse directory which allow to find URLs by their proximity to a given location. This allow you to find neighbor’s blog or the web page of the restaurants near you.
This DokuWiki plugin allows you to set geographic data for your Wiki with GeoURL, which allows you and your visitors to find geographically nearly sites.
Kalkulator programowalny Texas Instruments Voyage 200
Programowalne kalkulatory Texas Instruments posiadają wiele cech zbliżających je do palmtopów. Duże wyświetlacze (Voyage 200 posiada ekran LCD o rozdzielczości 128×240 pikseli), ponad sto kilobajtów pamięci RAM (zależnie od modelu), nawet 2,7MB pamięci ROM (w technologii Flash). I rzecz najważniejsza – procesor… Motorola 68000 (12MHz) wspierana przez GCC. Niemniej ważną cechą tych urządzeń jest możliwość wymiany danych z komputerami poprzez różnego rodzaju kable. Kalkulatory TI 89, TI 92(+) oraz Voyage 200 są obsługiwane przez oprogramowanie komunikacyjne TiLP. Dzięki specjalnej łacie na GCC i binutils możemy kompilować programy dla nich przy użyciu gcc. Starsze modele (82, 83(+), 85, 86) nie są zbudowane w oparciu o procesor Motoroli lecz o wiele prostszy procesor Zilog Z80 i nie będą przedmiotem tego artykułu (mimo że oprogramowanie komunikacyjne może z nimi – w ograniczonym zakresie – współpracować).
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Wampirzce – yet another Conway’s Game of Life implementation
Game of Life, a cellular automaton devised by the John H. Conway inspired many and became well known example of a cellular automaton. Game of Life is a zero-player game. There are no human players, moreover there are no players at all. Some time ago I have decided to create my own implementation of Life-like cellular automaton. I wrote it in C++ using Simple DirectMedia Layer and OpenGL.
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LibFakeTime 20071101
New version of LibFakeTime was released today. Now it support (or more technically: “shadows” symbol on dynamic linker consolidation) one more function – Linux’s clock_gettime(), thus it will support those programs and libraries which calls this kernel routine directly.
Wine with on-access ClamAV scanning
Using Wine introduces new threats to your Linux box. One day every computer virus prepared to run under Windows will smoothly run under Wine. Some time ago I wrote ClamFS, a FUSE-based user-space file system for Linux with on-access anti-virus file scanning. It uses well known Open Source virus scanner – Clam AntiVirus. ClamFS was designed to protect Samba shares and FTP servers with upload enabled. Here is small guide how to configure ClamFS to protect Wine installation form viruses.